The cases in this catalogue have been developed by grassroots organisations using a structured approach to turn their knowledge and experiences into compelling arguments for agroecology. By using rigorous evidence to support their claims, these cases aim to influence farmers, communities, donors, policymakers, researchers and consumers—key actors in the transformation of food systems.
This collection is an evolving resource, and we invite more contributions from grassroots organisations working to build the case for agroecology. Explore the cases, learn from their insights, and join us in strengthening the movement, the practice and the science that drives the quest for sustainable and just food systems.
Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology: A Growing Collection of Impactful Cases

Welcome to our Catalogue of Evidence-Based Cases for Agroecology — a collaborative platform showcasing real-world experiences from grassroots organisations worldwide.

Building and using evidence to drive agroecological transformation was highlighted as a key focus of the Agroecology Fund (AEF) and its grantees since the Global Learning Exchange in India in 2020. In response to the need for a more inclusive and participatory approach to evidence gathering, the Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology (GEA) initiative was launched as a partnership between the AEF, AEF grantees, and Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD).

Through this initiative, grassroots organisations have developed compelling, evidence-based cases that highlight what agroecology has enabled them to achieve. As a result, they argue for a variety of audiences to embrace agroecological approaches. With technical support from Stats4SD and small grants from the Agroecology Fund, these organisations have built a growing body of knowledge that informs and inspires agroecological transitions worldwide.

This catalogue presents the cases developed in 2024 and remains open for future contributions. We invite you to explore, learn, and share as we continue building a collective vision for sustainable and just food systems.

We extend our gratitude to the farmers, Indigenous communities, and grassroots groups whose experiences shape this work. Join us in sharing and building up the evidence for agroecology!

Icon Evidence Base

What is a Case?

In this collection, a case is more than just information; it is a persuasive argument designed to change minds or influence decisions. Unlike general reports or narratives that aim to inform, a case is built to convince a target audience to take action—whether by supporting agroecological initiatives, adopting sustainable practices, or influencing policies.

Structure of the Cases

Each case follows a structured approach to ensure clarity, coherence, and impact. The cases presented in this catalogue are built around:

  • A clear claim - a specific statement or argument that demonstrates the value of agroecology.
  • A defined target audience - shaping the case based on the values and priorities of the intended audience.
  • A strategic approach - outlining how the case will be argued effectively.
  • Supporting evidence - carefully selected information that substantiates the claim.
  • Context and interpretation - explaining how the evidence is relevant and compelling for the audience.
  • A call to action - a targeted message encouraging a concrete response.

To effectively communicate these cases, participants developed tailored communication products for the target audiences. These materials are showcased throughout the catalogue.

What is Considered Evidence?

Not all information qualifies as evidence. In the context of this catalogue, evidence is information actively used to support a claim. Information only becomes evidence when it serves this function.

Evidence in these cases:

  • Is purposeful - compiled specifically to support a claim and persuade an audience.
  • Is integrated - presented in context, alongside other relevant information.
  • Is cumulative - drawn from multiple sources to strengthen credibility.
  • Is interpreted - not just raw data but analyzed and explained to reinforce the argument.
  • Is coherent - linking context, framework, and supporting information into a compelling narrative.

By following this approach, the cases in this catalogue provide strong, evidence-based arguments that support agroecology and advocate for meaningful change.

Icon Developing Cases

Building strong, evidence-based cases for agroecology requires critical thinking, structured argumentation, and effective communication. From the experience of developing the methodology for building evidence-based cases for agroecology in partnership with grassroots organisations, we have developed an online training course to support building new cases. This course provides a clear framework to help you create compelling cases that persuade target audiences about the value and impact of agroecology.

The course is free of charge and available online, allowing you to take it at your own convenience.

Those who have taken part in this process describe it as both challenging and rewarding:

  • “We gained a broader understanding of how to collect and present evidence around a case.”
  • “It has helped us motivate the youth practising agroecology… They feel appreciated when their work is shared and their testimonies are highlighted.”
  • “I got lost in the details… It was a hard mental exercise to keep all the aspects together. But this was also the best part of the entire learning process.”

The course objectives are:

  • To explore real-world examples of evidence-based cases and understand how they were developed.
  • To learn how to tailor a case to a specific audience for maximum impact.
  • To develop skills to select and present evidence effectively.
  • To follow a step-by-step process for developing an evidence-based case.
  • And to be prepared to use their case for advocacy and awareness-raising.

Register Today

You are invited to register now and benefit from the experiences of AEF grantees shared throughout the course. Visit and register for the “Grassroots Evidence for Agroecology” course.

In the future, AEF plans to continue supporting the development of these types of cases, and applicants may be required to have a certificate of completion of the course.

Icon Advocating

Agroecology is essential today because it provides a holistic approach to food production that addresses pressing global challenges such as climate change, food insecurity, biodiversity loss, and social inequity. By integrating ecological principles throughout the food system—from plot to plate—agroecology fosters sustainable, resilient food systems while promoting social justice and empowering communities.

We believe that the experience and knowledge accumulated by millions of grassroots organisation members are crucial in advocating for agroecology as a means of transforming food systems. Strong, logical arguments, supported by diverse and relevant evidence, are essential for encouraging changes in how we produce, exchange, and consume food. Such arguments will help influencing the minds of agents of change and decision-makers.

Evidence-based advocacy for agroecology raises awareness, engages people in working toward healthier food systems, influences decision-makers, and sustains or restores healthier ecosystems impacted by the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources.

All Indicators Increased Incomes Reducing pests such as army worm Adoption of agroecological innovations Agroecología, como forma de producción alternativa para la alimentación y nutrición Agroecology decreases production costs Agroecology increases food production Agroecology training and knowledge-sharing outputs from previous funding Alimentos sanos y diversos Alto uso de agroquímicos en la producción de alimentos en Bolivia Aplicación de agroquímicos sin proteccion para el agricultor Beneficiaries have easier access to sustained/continuous availability of water resources Bilim Alliance agroecology activities and success stories Biodiversity Biodiversity Buen vivir Calidad de alimentos Cantidad y precio justo en comparación con la producción convencional Caractéristique physicochimique du Bokashi Cheap and readily available Conexión entre humanos y la madre tierra Conflict with international treaty Conflict with international treaty Conflict with international treaty Conservacion de semillas nativas Contraste entre agroecología y agricultura convencional Correlation between networking and capacity to conduct advocacy work Cost savings Costos Crop diversity Crop diversity and agroecological techniques Cultivos de abono verdes Daños a la salud por alto uso de agroquímicos Daños al medio ambiente por alto uso de agroquímicos Difusion mundial Diversity of crops produced before and after the use of traditional methods Diversity of food groups consumed after the use of traditional methods Economía solidaria Ecosystem Health Ecosystem restoration Food diversity food diversity and economic savings Foreseen knowledge sharing exchange activities Healthier food Improvement in physical and mental health of women Increase in size of the harvested plants Increased number of bags harvested Increased resilience to environmental stressors Increased savings Increased yields Increased yields Incremento en diversidad de cultivos Indigenous knowledge Influencia sobre políticas Knowledge sharing and exchange Legal framework Mercados Nature of soil before and after use of traditional methods Nutrient content Participacion de grupos vulnerables Participación de la mujer Preserving local knowledge Prix liés à la production. Producción agroecológica acreditada con SPG Profit from value-addition and marketing Profits from value-addition and marketing Proportion des éléments nutritifs Quantum of crop produced before and after the use of traditional methods. Quantum of water stored and available for production purposes. Reduced diseases related to use of inorganic pesticides Reduction in synthetic input usage Rendements de diverses cultures, notamment le mais et le fonio. Revenu agricole au niveau de chaque type d'apport (intrants organique ou chimique) Salud humana y daños al medio ambiente Savings on costs Seed adaptability Seed diversity Seed independence Soberania alimentaria Soil health Soil health Soil health Soil health Talleres de capacitación. The beneficiaries are able to leverage the water resources to grow and consume fruits, vegetables and greens more often The correlation between joining Bilim and creating agroecology schools and engaging with agroecology projects Time gained after leveraging traditional means of water conservation and moisture retention Time invested by beneficiaries to source water from the rainwater harvesting structures to the farmlands and arid horticulture units Total savings on input costs Trueque Use of low-cost inputs Use of productive hours gained in learning skills Uso de semillas nativas Valeur du rendement obtenu par parcelle en fonction du type d'intrants appliqué Valoración de la producción por los consumidores y apoyo a los productores Valores culturales Women empowerment Women empowerment and Inclusion Women farmers knowledge Women in agroecological and Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) Women in agroecological farming and Village Savings and Loan Associations Women leadership



Leveraging traditional knowledge and wisdom to promote water, food and nutrition security in the Thar

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), 2024

English, Hindi
Countries covered


Territorios Bioculturales indigenas para soberania alimentaria y resiliencia

Asociación Andes Peru, 2024

English, Spanish, Quechua
Countries covered


Unlocking the potential of agroecology: grassroots evidence for women in agroecology

Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD), 2024

Countries covered


Empowering voices of women and girls in Thar

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), 2024

English, Hindi
Countries covered


One seed at a time

Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), 2024

English, Marathi
Countries covered


BOLSALUDABLE, Lazos de bienestar

Fundación AGRECOL Andes, 2024

Spanish (Latin American)
Countries covered
Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)


Unlocking the potential for agroecology: grassroots evidence for agroecology innovations in the Savannah and transition zone of Ghana

Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD), 2024

Countries covered


Improved seed access through Farmers Managed Seed System (FMSS)

Seed Savers Network (SSN), 2024

Countries covered


A case for supporting agroecology networks through the Bilim Alliance on Agroecology in Eastern Europe, Central and Western Asia

Schola Campesina, 2024

English, Russian
Countries covered
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Türkiye, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, North Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary


A case for agroecology organisations from the Eastern Europe, West and Central Asia region to join the Bilim Alliance on Agroecology

Schola Campesina, 2024

English, Russian
Countries covered
Kazakhstan, Albania, Hungary, Georgia, Türkiye, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Human pee is liquid gold

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) Uganda, 2024

Countries covered


Agroecology in action: a solution from Indonesian peasants to food and climate crises

Serikat Petani Indonesia - Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI), 2024

Indonesian, English
Countries covered


Indigenous seeds achieve food sovereignty and climate justice

Kenyan Peasant League (KPL), 2024

Countries covered


Effets du Bokashi sur les cultures maraîchères et céréalières au Togo

Inades-Formation Togo, 2024

Countries covered


Beneficios de Agricultura Ecológica y la conservación de Semillas Nativas

Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo (UCIZONI), 2024

Spanish (Latin American)
Countries covered